About Us
History of WRBC

Want to know more about Williams Road Baptist Church...?
Here it is...OUR CHURCH HISTORY! And We Are Proud Of It!
What began as Benbrook Baptist Church originated as a mission church in the mind of two members of Ridglea Baptist Church. These men saw the potential of a Baptist church in the Benbrook area with a new lake being built and new homes cropping up on the high grounds around the lake area.
On Sunday June 12, 1949, twelve Christians voted to unite into a Cooperative Missionary Baptist Church. They took up an offering for the world-wide mission program of the Southern Baptists and built a wood framed building to host services. On June 11, 1950, Benbrook Baptist church had its first Annual Homecoming and Dedication after a spring of high winds and water causing the association's tents and many homes to be blown down and damaged.
God had his hand on the church as it continued to grow. Minutes of the Benbrook Baptist Church for August 14, 1954, stated that “67 of its members, after much prayer and consideration felt there was a definite need for another Baptist church in Benbrook.”
The original Benbrook Baptist Church membership moved from the structure near Benbrook City Hall in February 1957 to a framed house at 4601 Williams Road. The church was renamed Williams Road Baptist Church at that time. That same year bonds were sold to raise money to build the present structure. While the church was being built the congregationmet at the house and God continued to have his hand on them as several new Christians were transported to Birchman Baptist church for baptism. The new building was completed in the spring of 1958.
Williams Road Baptist Church remains a caring, family oriented mission-minded church dedicated to doing the will of God and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ as opportunities present themselves. God relies on each church member as He works through us to build Christ’s church. As Christ is the head so we are the vital organs and arms and legs that must work cooperatively to keep His church alive!
So, if your not familiar with our church, come and check us out! Be a part of what the Lord has in store for us in the next chapter of our history.
Williams Road Baptist Church has a variety of classes for all age levels of Bible Study/ Sunday School from Nursery to Senior adults. We also have a Ladies only class.
Our Mission programs are very active. We have GAs, RAs, and Mission Friends for our children each Wednesday evening. Our Women Missions are actively involved in our Food Pantry & Clothes Closet.
We have an active Adult Choir who extends a warm welcome for you to come and join them as they sing praises to our Lord.