Music Ministry

It is our conviction that music and singing should be an intergral part of the worship experience of every believer. Therefore we spend a good deal of time in prayer and preparation for our worship services each week.
One of the challenges of the church today is to offer music that appeals to people of all ages and walks of life. Thus we sing both traditional hymns and choruses of praise.
God has blessed our church with a talented and committed sanctuary choir and it plays a major role in leading our people to lift up their praise to the Lord in our services. Our choir presents an Easter cantata and a Christmas cantata each year as well as singing other special numbers throughout the year.
We also have a children's choir which rehearses and presents special music for our church periodically. Our children's choir rehearses each week on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. in the fellowship hall.
Anyone wishing to join us in lifting up praise to the Lord is invited to attend any of our services.