Leaders And Staff

Pastor: Howard Holmes
PASTOR: Howard Holmes
Thanks for checking out our website! I'm in my 31st year of ministry and my fifth year as the pastor here at Williams Road. Prior to entering the ministry, I spent 20 years in the USAF, retiring in 1986. I have served churches in Florida, Texas and Colorado.
People sometimes feel as through a pastor can't relate to them. Having traveled the road I have in life, spending some time in the "real world" before going into the ministry, I've worked side by side with "real" people, been where they have been, experienced what they have experienced. Because of God's grace and patience in this area, He has granted me insight, compassion and love for people. The term "real" is often thrown around in the church today. I believe that my life experiences have truly made me "real" to "real" people, while who I am in my relationship with Christ makes me "real" in the spiritual sense.
I invite you to check us out at Williams Road. We are a church family striving to be "real" with each other and in our relationship with Christ. We are not perfect, but we are trying each and every day to live out what Christ has called us to do, and invite you to join us on the journey!

Minister Of Music: Connie Cooper

Youth Minister: David Esquivel

Sunday School Director: Bill Miller

Children's Church Minister: Judy Clements

Children's Events Coordinator and Nursery Caregiver: Allison Esquivel
Our Deacons:
BI'll Miller
David Dragoo
David Esquivel