Children's Ministry

Judy Clements Children's Event Coordinator
Welcome! We are so glad that you are visiting the Children’s Ministry website at Williams Road Baptist Church. We pray that the Holy Spirit is moving within you and that you find what you’re searching for. Below are short descriptions of some of the things we have to offer your children and family.
WRBC Children’s Mission Statement
Our mission in the children’s ministry is to be an encourager of our faith, to unite together to glorify God by helping children learn of Jesus’ love for them and growing the children into fully devoted followers of Jesus through worship, fellowship, and teaching of the scriptures.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14). Jesus longs for a relationship with us and our children and I believe it’s important that we teach of Jesus’ love and encourage our children in the faith.
Sunday School-9:30 AM
Nursery (newborn to 3 years)
In the nursery we strive to create a fun loving, safe environment where we can help nurture and development the spiritual minds of babies and toddlers using books, games, and colorfully illustrated teaching pictures.
Preschool/Kindergarten (3 years - 5 years)
Our Preschool/Kindergarten class is a continuation of the nursery, just a more controlled and structured environment. We still strive to create a fun loving, safe environment where we encourage children to grow spiritually, the difference between this class and the nursery is that the children are expected to exhibit more self control and the ability to follow direction.
(Children must be fully potty trained (no training pants) and able to walk themselves to the bathroom on their own before attending this class.)
Early Elementary (1st – 3rd grade)
As always we want our children and visitors to enjoy their time with us while learning of Jesus’s awesome love for us. This class is designed to help kids shape a positive biblical worldview as they learn to apply biblical truth to their lives.
Late Elementary (4th – 6th grade)
Our Preteen class continues with the same lesson styles as the early elementary, it’s just adapted for this age group. We continue to encourage kids to shape a positive biblical worldview as they learn to apply biblical truth to their lives.
Mission Friends (Preschoolers/Kindergarten)-6 PM Wednesdays.
In Mission Friends, preschoolers participate in activities that provide repetition, stir curiosity, create a sense of accomplishment, help develop relationships, encourage investigation, and use their senses, they learn to help others, work together, pray, give and tell others about God’s love and His Son, Jesus. The main goal is to teach missions attitudes and concepts to all preschoolers.
Girls in Action/GAs (girls 1st – 6th grade)- 6 PM Wednesdays
GA Motto: “Go Forward!”
GA Pledge: "As a GA, I will do my best to live a missions lifestyle that honors God by learning about missions, praying for missions, giving to missions, doing missions and participating in the work of the church."
The GAs is designed to help girls develop spiritually towards a missions lifestyle as they learn what God is doing in the world and discover their place in God's plan.
Royal Ambassadors/RAs (boys 1st - 6th grade)-6 PM Wednesdays
RA Motto: “We are Ambassadors for Christ.”
RA Pledge: As a Royal Ambassador I will do my best to become a well-informed, responsible follower of Christ; to have a Christlike concern for all people; to learn how to carry the message of Christ around the world; to work with others in sharing Christ; and to keep myself clean and healthy in mind and body.
Children’s Choir- 7 PM Wednesdays
The Children's Choir provides an outlet for children to learn to express their love of God through song. The Children's Choir rehearses each Wednesday at 7 PM. Children in ages 3 to 6th grade are invited to become members of the choir. Special performances by the Children's Choir include a Christmas special and Easter special.
We pray God’s blessings upon you and we look forward to meeting you soon!